[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:386] Re: Legends

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 22 03:59:04 EDT 2003

Hi --

Due to popular request, I've modified the d.legend range= option to
extend to the limits given in the colr file, if it exists.

This will allow a user to copy a standard colr file to many rasters and
have the same legend display regardless of the actual data extent. Some
remote sensing applications where this might be useful are for frames of
a SST animation or display of 0-255 ranged color channel data.

While this works pretty well, I'm still not 100% convinced it's a good
idea. My main problem with it is conceptual: that d.legend isn't purely
a child of the raster data anymore.

If somebody wants to mis-represent a what's in a plot, I think they
should have to do it explicitly with the legend taken from a second
raster, and not by oversight. I've put in a Warning message, but I'm
still not totally happy about it.

My second problem is I'm not sure how it will interact with the
still-not-committed use= option, which takes precedence. It requires
some think, but probably will be ok.

anyway, here it is. The diff is versus today's CVS HEAD.


and here's use= if you want to try it (without the colr change).

let me know what you think.


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