[GRASS5] Applicant for developing

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Sat Jul 26 17:02:15 EDT 2003

Thierry Laronde said:
> Hello,

> The questions are:
> 1) Since GRASS is engaged in some major changes (new vector format and
> so on) where to find the more comprehensive explanations about the
> changes planned;

All available info on 5.1 should be indexed here:

For draft 5.1 programming manuals go here:

> 2) Are there tips to discover the coding tree structure/style of the
> actual GRASS;
> 3) Are there accessible repositories where to find some state of the art
> descriptions of topology oriented algorithms.

You should look at the programmer's manual for 5.0:

And for code access, there is the GRASS CVS repository:


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