[GRASS5] compiling code

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Wed May 7 10:35:42 EDT 2003

Well here is what I think of all those modules that use the coorcnv

On Wed, 7 May 2003, Markus Neteler wrote:

> On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 07:28:19PM +0100, Paul Kelly wrote:
> > If we have a list of which modules that currently use coorcnv are going to be
> > kept in GRASS 5.1 (i.e. it is worthwhile updating them) I could maybe work
> > at changing them over to using proj instead, although it may take a while
> > to get round to them all.
> At time GRASS 5.1 is free of CC_ routines.
> I GRASS 5.0 I found:
> ./src/mapdev/v.apply.census/
> ./src/mapdev/v.in.tig.basic/
> ./src/mapdev/v.in.tig.lndmk/
Are these used regularly and do they work reliably? In GRASS 5.1 is there
a general vector import utility that would handle these formats like GDAL
for raster? Or maybe they should be fixed up. The comments from John
Gillette suggest they leave a lot to be desired.

> ./src/mapdev/v.mkgrid/
> ./src/mapdev/v.mkquads/
Seem to perform a worthwhile function (generating vector grids) although I
can't see where they would be used. Maybe should be kept and fixed.

> ./src/imagery/i.tape.tm3/
Does r.in.gdal do the same thing as this?

> ./src/misc/m.datum.shift/
> ./src/misc/m.gc2ll/cmd/
> ./src/misc/m.ll2gc/cmd/
> ./src/misc/m.ll2u/cmd/
> ./src/misc/m.region.ll/
> ./src/misc/m.tiger.region/
> ./src/misc/m.u2ll/
None of these operate on files in the GRASS database so I think they
should all be removed. cs2cs from PROJ.4 does the same thing as most of
them; m.tiger.region sounds like something similar to gdalinfo for vector
files; does such a program exist?

> ./src/raster/r.in.dem/
This program seems not that ancient (date in 1996 given). Is the format it
handles not supported by r.in.gdal? Again I think import programs
shouldn't try to re-project data.

> ./src/raster/r.in.ll/
This looks like it is very specific to a certain type of data import.
Almost seems to do the same thing as r.proj but I don't really understand
the man page.

> ./src/sites/s.datum.shift/
Isn't needed now s.proj can do datum shifts

> ./src.contrib/NPS/r.in.utm/
Sounds like another specialised import/re-projection utility that isn't
needed now.

> ./src.contrib/SCS/display/d.fix.ortho/
 Shifts raster map to position specified by mouse
Is this useful? Might be and only uses coorcnv for reporting co-ordinates
in lat/long to user so would be easy to fix.

> ./src.contrib/SCS/vector/v.mkquads.scs/
Maybe just an older version of v.mkquads?

> ./src.contrib/SDTS/mapdev/v.out.sdts/
> ./src.garden/grass.hdf/hdf5/r.in.hdf/
> ./src.garden/grass.tig.rim/v.in.tig.rim/
More specialised import/export utilities probably; are any of them really
needed or have they been replaced by something better.

> but which of above modules should reach 5.1?
> Markus
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