[GRASS5] release announcement for grass 5.0.3

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Nov 11 17:53:45 EST 2003

Scott Mitchell wrote:

> Last chance for suggestions / objections:

> GRASS 5.0.3 fixes only major bugs.

I don't think that the word "major" is necessary, or even accurate.
Some of the bugs which are fixed are quite minor.

The essential point is that it is only bug fixes, without any
"improvements" which might break things (e.g. changing existing
behaviour, adding new features which increase the chance of
compilation failure, etc).

> There are no further scheduled 
> releases in the 5.0.x series. Exception might be made for critical bug 
> fixes.

Again, I think that "critical" might be too strong. If any non-trivial
bugs are subsequently found, I would consider making another release.

5.4 is likely to be sufficiently different that it shouldn't be the
only option in the case where someone encounters a problem with 5.0.3. 

IMHO, this also includes the case where someone has been using 5.0.x,
changes their hardware or OS, and finds that 5.0.3 won't compile on
the new system.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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