[GRASS5] NVIZ updates

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Nov 17 21:00:35 EST 2003


it seems to be only partially fixed.
There is still a problem when increasing the Grid for the coarse surface.
If you take Spearfish and zoom in (e.g. into an area such as below)
it starts with Grid=1, when I change Grid to 2 I get artificial extremely high
spikes at the north edge of the surface when I move the surface around,
then I increase Grid to 3
and I get again spikes, just a little bit different because of resolution,
it does the same until at Grid 6 it crashes. These spikes were not there before -
it just crashed right away. It almost looks like it is not getting the right
number of rows or something related to that.


north:      4923630
south:      4915200
west:       597360
east:       604350
nsres:      30
ewres:      30
rows:       281
cols:       233

Bob Covill wrote:
> Helena,
> I have applied a fix to CVS that corrects (hopefully) the NVIZ bug you 
> reported.
> The problem was with surfaces being loaded that contained no null values 
> .  The new coarse surface (wire) routine was causing a crash. Apparently 
> if a null mask is created it is much more forgiving if one isn't (i.e. 
> no nulls).
> The fixed gsd_wire.c in src/libes/ogsf should correct the bug.
> To test update your ogsf and rebuild NVIZ.
> Let me know if you encounter any more problems, etc.
> Thanks for catching this.
> -- 
> Bob Covill

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