[GRASS5] a question about grass 5 tcltk interface

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun Nov 23 18:03:29 EST 2003

Michael Barton wrote:

> While your explanation makes sense, it doesn't seem to exactly match 
> what I am seeing--at least not obviously.
> 1. I open grass and a bunch of windows open up--saved window geometry 
> from the last time I used grass.
> 2. I select the option to automatically resize all the windows, and 
> they shrink to the correct initial size.
> 3. I save configuration and quit grass (I also check the save 
> configuration box in the quick dialog)
> 4. I reopen grass and the same windows reopen, but all have grown about 
> 23 pixels in the y dimension. They grow down, not up. They do not grow 
> in the x dimension. This only happens for menus & dialogs, not for 
> monitor windows.
> 5. If I continue this without doing an automatic resize, they all grow 
> another 23 pixels each time I reopen grass. They at least grow to the 
> edges of the screen if I let them, and perhaps can grow off the screen. 
> I can send you screen shots, but don't want to send something big to 
> the list.
> I can's say that my Mac WM is not somehow  resizing these windows, but 
> somehow  the saved geometry is augmented by about 23 pixels downwards 
> in the y-dimension only and for tcltk menus and dialogs only, every 
> time I quit or open (I don't know which end this happens on). This 
> seems odd.

Some of those factors are logical.

1. Window geometry is specified as the position of the top-left corner
plus the size. Consequently, any changes to the size would affect the
bottom/right edges of the window but not the top/left edges.

2. The monitor windows aren't created by tcltkgrass, but by a separate
program (XDRIVER).

The fact that the changes only affect the height suggests that the
problem may be related to the window's title bar. E.g. setting the
geometry sets the size of the client area (the "inside" of the window,
not including the title bar etc), but reading the geometry obtains a
result which includes the title bar (obviously it doesn't include the
border, otherwise the window would grow slightly in width as well).

It may help to examine the settings which are stored in the
~/.tcltkgrass file, e.g.:

	main_menu(window_geometry) 773x28+0+0

and compare the settings before and after running tcltkgrass to the
actual internal/external window dimensions (e.g. from a screen dump).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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