[GRASS5] Announcement: viewproj

Wallace, Beverly T beverly.t.wallace at lmco.com
Fri Oct 17 19:57:11 EDT 2003

GRASS community,

Viewproj is now available in src.contrib/LM/viewproj.

The viewproj programs allow GRASS users to display lat/lon data in a variety of view projections.

The viewproj programs are:
		Automatically set the view projection and adjust the region
		Set the view projection using PROJ parameters
		Associate the view projection with the monitor
		Display a raster map in the view projection
		Display a vector map in the view projection
		Display a grid in the view projection

See the src.contrib/LM/viewproj/html pages for descriptions and examples.

I have tested viewproj with Solaris 9 and Red Hat Linux, for both the stable (with internal PROJ) and experimental (with external PROJ) versions of GRASS.  

If there are any problems or questions, please let me know.

Bev Wallace
Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
beverly.t.wallace at lmco.com

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