[GRASS5] mif

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 23 04:47:48 EDT 2003

> i'm  a newer to grass, anyone can tell me how to import mapinfo
> format(MIF, MID)to grass(grass5.3)?

v.in.mif exists in 5.0.x and 5.3's source trees, and compiles, but isn't
built by default. There's probably a reason for that (buggy?).

cd src/mapdev/v.in.mif

In GRASS 5.7, --with-gdal, use:

Which probably works quite well.

If you've got 5.3 compiling, you can probably get 5.7 going without too
much trouble as well. You can then export to a format 5.3 likes or stick
with 5.7.
[install GDAL first. http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal]

good luck,

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