[GRASS5] grass5 GUI startup: create new mapset

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Thu Sep 11 16:08:42 EDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 02:32:25PM +0200, Markus Neteler wrote:
> Tcl/TK programmer needed:
> At time it is (unfortunately) not possible to
> enter a new name for a mapset in the graphical
> startup of GRASS.
> I don't know enough Tcl/TK to write that little
> piece of software. Is there anyone able to
> add this to complete the graphical startup?
> For (new) users it's difficult to understand
> how to launch GRASS without that addition.

I have sumbitted a first attempt to CVS:

Missing is (how to do that?) the auto-refresh of the MAPSET
list when the user has created a new MAPSET.


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