[GRASS5] G3D-api problem

N.J. Hardebol harj at geo.vu.nl
Tue Sep 16 07:39:53 EDT 2003

Dear grass programmers,

Although not sure if this is the place for asking questions on the grass
api, not part of grass development..
I've asked the same question two weeks ago, and have not solved it yet..
Using the function G3d_writeTile (g3d_map, TileIndex, data, G3D_DOUBLE) to
write to a 3D grid I run into problems.
The program output offers:
FATAL ERROR: G3d_writeTile: tileIndex out of range. For a tileIndex of 3200.
The tileIndex is set with G3d_setTileDimension (128, 64, 201); since the
dimensions should be 128x64x201.
But somehow TileIndex = G3d_tile2tileIndex (g3d_map, ix, iy, iz) is not
allowed to supersede 3200 (16x8x25). For some unclear reason these
dimensions are set for the Tile. G3d_getNofTilesMap (g3d_map, &na, &nb, &nc)
offers 16 8 25.
Can anybody bring me a little further? How do I set the tileDimensions
properly so that I can have a tileIndex upto 128x64x201

With kindest regards,


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