[GRASS5] G3D-api problem
Alfonso Vitti
alfonso.vitti at ing.unitn.it
Thu Sep 18 09:54:17 EDT 2003
Hi Markus, Nico
I didn't answer the mail on the mailinglist because I don't
know/remember very much about tiles
but I've given a quick look to the libs and I hope what follows can help
a bit.
(i've been a bit lazy, sorry! ;-)
the error:
"FATAL ERROR: G3d_writeTile: tileIndex out of range"
comes from
"if ((tileIndex >= map->nTiles) || (tileIndex < 0))"
there are:
"#define G3D_TILE_X_DEFAULT 8"
"g3d_tile_dimension[0] = G3D_TILE_X_DEFAULT;"
"*tileX = g3d_tile_dimension[0];"
tileX is used in:
"map->tileX = tileX;"
"map->nx = (map->region.cols - 1) / tileX + 1;"
the same for y and z
"map->nxy = map->nx * map->ny"
"map->nTiles = map->nxy * map->nz;"
so it seems that the value of "map->nTiles" (which governs the fatal
error) depends on the number of cols in the region and on the value of
"tileX" which is set to 8 by default
hope this will be useful
Markus Neteler wrote:
> Ciao Alfonso,
> do you have a few hints for Nico? Something for him to
> start looking for the bug?
> Thanks,
> Markus
> From: "N.J. Hardebol" <harj at geo.vu.nl>
> To: <grass5 at grass.itc.it>
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 01:39:53PM +0200, N.J. Hardebol wrote:
>>Dear grass programmers,
>>Although not sure if this is the place for asking questions on the grass
>>api, not part of grass development..
>>I've asked the same question two weeks ago, and have not solved it yet..
>>Using the function G3d_writeTile (g3d_map, TileIndex, data, G3D_DOUBLE) to
>>write to a 3D grid I run into problems.
>>The program output offers:
>>FATAL ERROR: G3d_writeTile: tileIndex out of range. For a tileIndex of 3200.
>>The tileIndex is set with G3d_setTileDimension (128, 64, 201); since the
>>dimensions should be 128x64x201.
>>But somehow TileIndex = G3d_tile2tileIndex (g3d_map, ix, iy, iz) is not
>>allowed to supersede 3200 (16x8x25). For some unclear reason these
>>dimensions are set for the Tile. G3d_getNofTilesMap (g3d_map, &na, &nb, &nc)
>>offers 16 8 25.
>>Can anybody bring me a little further? How do I set the tileDimensions
>>properly so that I can have a tileIndex upto 128x64x201
>>With kindest regards,
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