[GRASS5] Bug report 2 for GRASS 5.7

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Mon Apr 5 17:50:32 EDT 2004

Here is the next series of bug reports for GRASS 5.7. Note that there 
seems to be a very serious error for d.vect.chart that could cause 
system problems. I didn't find any of these in the bug tracker.

Many thanks to Radim for responding rapidly on the last set I sent in.

Michael Barton
Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
Department of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671

++++++++++++++++++ start here  +++++++++++++++++++++++++


This EDA utility is a great idea (I suggest adding star graphs), but 
something is very wrong. No graphs are drawn. After more than 5 minutes 
there was nothing but constant disk access. All other activities were 
slowed down enormously. I eventually lost 2 Gb disk space, was unable 
to stop the disk activity and had to reboot. I. regained most of the 
disk space, but still seem to have lost 180 Mb.

Bravely, I tried again with smaller file (12 records).

d.vect.chart map=temprank_SA field=1 ctype=pie 
columns=MP_TOOLS,UP_TOOLS,NEOL_TOOLS sizecol=LITHICS size=20 scale=1 

Again, I had no graphs after 5+ minutes, but was clearly using system 
resources. All other activities (including typing and using a mouse) 
were greatly slowed down.

This time I was prepared. I quit GRASS and X11. Then I checked the 
process viewer. d.vect.chart was still using 5-10% CPU capacity and 33% 
  memory. I killed it (+/- gracefully). THEN, XDRIVER showing as using 
up to 100% CPU capacity, though no memory. XDRIVER wouldn't quit 
gracefully and I had to force quit it. Again lost 1.5 Gb disk space. 
Got it all back this time after a reboot. I assume that the disk space 
is getting tied up in memory swap, though I couldn't find any file 
created or modified during operation that matches this space (checked 
before reboot).

This seems like a very serious problem with a very nice addition to 


The following command works fine in command line (though the example 
given in docs is incorrect), but does not work in autogenerated GUI

db.select driver=dbf sql='select * from temprank_SA where STRATUM="SA"' 
Sorry <*> is not a valid option
Sorry <from> is not a valid option
Sorry <temprank_SA> is not a valid option
Sorry <where> is not a valid option
Sorry, <STRATUM> is not a valid parameter


g.rename works for all map types in GRASS 5.3 and the documentation 
says it works for all types in GRASS 5.7. But when I tried to rename a 
vector, I got the following error:

g.rename vect=roads,roads57
WARNING: Vectors are not supported by g.rename
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