[GRASS5] r.univar and MASK

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 18 00:16:18 EDT 2004

> > Everything in the r.univar script is implemented except for the
> > extended stats (but some framework is in place for someone to
> > continue that) and the base= map option (just use a MASK). Only
> > minor modification of dependant scripts is needed (but definitely
> > some).
> AFAICT, there is no mask function implemented for GRASS 5.7 yet. If 
> I've missed it, please let me know. Thanks.

It's there, it works.

There's no r.mask module though (couldn't tell you why). Just use
r.mapcalc or g.copy to make a raster map called MASK.


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