[GRASS5] [bug #2764] (grass) r3.mkdspf error

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Dec 3 07:25:35 EST 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2764

Subject: r3.mkdspf error

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: GRASS 5.4

when I wanted to try r3.mkdspf module with sample data available on http://grass.itc.it I got any kind of read error. Here is the report:

GRASS:~ > r3.mkdspf grid3=CloudLCP.992172300 dspf=dspf_test02
Region from getWindow: 80 100 21
rows=80 cols=100 depths=21
threshold values: 0.000000 0.183333 0.366667 0.550000 0.733333 0.916667 1.100000
No. of thresholds: 8
DSPF DIMS: 80 100 21
Writing dspf_test02 from CloudLCP.992172300...display file completed:ERROR: G_fpcompress_readXdrNums: read error
ERROR: G3d_readTileCompressed: error in G_fpcompress_readXdrNums
ERROR: G3d_readTile: error in G3d_readTileCompressed
ERROR: cacheRead_readFun: error in G3d_readTile
ERROR: G3d_cache_elt_ptr: error in c->eltLoadFun
ERROR: G3d_getTilePtr: error in G3d_cache_elt_ptr
FATAL ERROR: G3d_getFloatRegion: error in G3d_getTilePtr

I tried it with GRASS 5.4 precompiled binaries. I also found any update of file tileread.c for source code of lib/g3d (http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-commit/2004-November/013349.html) so I tried to update the file in source files of GRASS 5.4, compile it, but the same error occured after then...

At this moment I found out that the sample data are wrong...


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