[GRASS5] 5.7.1

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Dec 3 08:16:13 EST 2004

Helena wrote:
> Radim,
> I did some testing for v.in.sites, importing a file x|y|%z with 
> gradually increasing
> number of points. 5000, 8000 point files are no problem, 200000-300000 
> points (11MB)
> reads the sites in seconds, writes the number of points and then does 
> something
> for 5 minutes (this is still OK), but with 627000 point file it freezes 
> the machine
> and I believe that it is swapping, I could not even kill it and I cannot 
> even get
> through the "Transfering sites to vector file" to get the number of points.
> If it is swapping, it will depend on the size of your memory when this 
> happens.
> I will post some larger point files on the web if you don't have any.
> And Jaro is right - this is not some special advanced developers issue -
> site files with over million of data points are now a common place and 
> you can
> get plenty of them for free on the Web. We cannot have a GRASS release 
> which freezes
> your machine with a point file that has the size which is now common. 
> (You may remember
> recent emails users talking about tens even hundred million of points).
> Below, I have inserted your recent exchange with Jaro - I am wondering 
> whether
> there may be something related going on in v.in.sites as we had with 
> reading
> point vector data in v.surf.rst.
> Helena

Any help is welcome.


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