[GRASS5] [bug #2835] (grass) v.net.path may just be a special case of v.net.salesman

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Dec 10 17:10:14 EST 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2835

v.net.path may just be a special case of v.net.salesman, (so say so in
the docs) but who can tell due to the latter's Description being only
one line long. Same with v.net.steiner.  Not everybody has gone to GIS
college and would mind knowing what they are about.  Takes a .pdf to
learn? Then add the URL. However, many of us are offline, so still
document them. Hate learning that it's too late to click on that last
.pdf now that we have brought our computer to the mountaintop base

Also to v.net.path add: "To avoid v.path taking shortcuts over that
unpaved trail, use three points and v.net.salesman." (If indeed the

Merely "SEE ALSO v.net.salesman" isn't good enough.

If http://grass.itc.it/grass57/tutorial/network.html is going to be
the permanent URL for any information about these, note it on the man
pages.  Often we encounter the man page before the web page.

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To: grass-bugs at intevation.de
Subject: v.net.path may just be a special case of v.net.salesman
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Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 23:05:18 +0800
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