[GRASS5] GRASS extension manager proposal

Benjamin Ducke benducke at compuserve.de
Thu Dec 16 15:41:47 EST 2004

OK, it seems everybody agrees that it is a good idea.
I will try and write a small g.install prototype
(that would also include the management of binary 
and script installations)
as soon as I have my belief modelling stuff ready.
Let's see hw smooth it goes ...



On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:13:45 -0700
Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> wrote:

> I want to echo the positive other replies to this proposal. This is very
> much along the lines of what Paolo, I, and others have suggested. It would
> be good if the 'g.install' routine could also insert shell scripts into the
> extension menu hierarchy.
> Another longer-term idea (i.e., for the 6.x series) I tossed into the fray a
> few months back is to make modules self-organizing in the GUI unless
> overridden by a users. We already have a start in how that could be achieved
> by the letter-dot prefix of GRASS modules. r.* modules are raster, and so
> on. We could build on that so that each module and script written would have
> a short header string that identified where it belonged in the menu
> hierarchy. Then, when someone installed a module, it would go to a logical
> local rather than into a long extension menu.
> The ultimate objective is to make a GUI that is more or less
> self-generating. If I remember correctly, some time back, Radim was working
> on a QT version of the GUI that would use XML to manage the menu hierarchy
> with this kind of goal in mind. In such a case, a self-generating menu
> system (or alternative better GUI) would be considerably more feasible.
> Michael
> On 12/15/04 3:49 AM, "Benjamin Ducke" <benducke at compuserve.de> wrote:
> > My ideas are:
> > 
> > For each extension:
> > - put all source code and binaries for selected systems into
> >   a tarball
> > - also add some standardised ASCII description files to the
> >   tarball:
> > - version information
> > - binary and dependencies information
> > - source URL and author info
> > - Tcl/Tk menu code for the GIS manager
> > 
> > For GRASS 5.7:
> > - the g.install module could be used to
> > list, install, update and remove extension
> >         binaries and documentation
> > 
> > - installation could be system-wide into any GRASS bin tree location
> >   the user has write access to or user-only into a directory
> >   into a dir under the user's current location or mapset.
> > 
> > - a new menu entry 'Extensions' in the GIS manager where extensions
> >   can register their modules in a submenu and hooks for g.install
> >   to query, update or remove these extensions are provided
> > 
> ______________________________
> Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
> School of Human, Evolution and Social Change
> Arizona State University
> Tempe, AZ  85287-2402
> voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
> www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
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