[GRASS5] [bug #2855] (grass) r.reclass GUI bug

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at pf.pl
Sun Dec 19 10:00:08 EST 2004

Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> wrote:

>> r.reclass GUI - there is no interface for inputting rules and when you
>> try to
>> run it as it is, it says:
>> r.reclass input=zgs10kor output=zgs10kor_recl
>> no rules specified

> Use the "reclassify using rules" menu entry in the GUI (r.reclass.rules
> script). I guess I thought this was pretty clear.

Ah, ok. I simply typed r.reclass& and got the described problem, I didn't
know that an alternative exist in the d.m menu so I didn't look for it. Now
I have what I need but anyway some issues arise:

1. The GUI entry for r.reclass is described as "Reclassify categories using
rules file". What file? Is r.reclass GUI usable anyway?
2. r.reclass.rules doesn't have a manual thus according to the manual the
only module containing this funcionality is r.reclass. A manual is
desirable to avoid confussion.
3. Scripts in /etc/dm/script/ and /tcltkgrass/script/ cannot be invoked from
the command line. Shouldn't they be?

Maciek Sieczka

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