[GRASS5] [bug #2855] (grass) r.reclass GUI bug

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun Dec 19 14:23:04 EST 2004


R.reclass.rules is a script that gives access to interactive rule input via
the GUI. Interactive rule input is described under r.reclass, but is not
available via the autogenerated GUI. It is available via the command line,
following the format described in the r.reclass manual.

I relooked at r.reclass. The autogenerated GUI dialog is completely useless.
I seem to remember that it had an input for a rules file last summer but it
doesn't now. Whether I am remembering wrong or it has changed I don't know.
The r.recode autogenerated GUI is equally useless. I could  write a script
that allows input of a text rules file to be piped to the command, but it
would be better if this was built into the GUI (as is the case with

As far as I know, you can't get to any interactive terminal use via the
autogenerated GUI. The same problem affects r.colors (so I wrote a similar
script there). 

The manual is incorrect in showing 2 forms of interactive use in the
terminal. The interactive format in which the user has a screen showing
current values and can input a new value cannot be accessed in GRASS 5.7--at
least I have no idea of how to get there. You can get to that screen if you
use GRASS 5.4. It's too bad, as it is a nice way to reclassify or recode
values for many discrete value raster (and vector) maps.

These kind of interactive modules need to be updated to be functional under
GRASS 5.7, but I think there are some considerable difficulties to be
overcome. There are not many of these, but they are important. Interactive
reclassification is a significant function. It is not available for vectors.
It is available for rasters using rules (but not by changing individual
values) via the command line but on via a script from the GUI.

This would be a good project for a new volunteer programmer to take on.


On 12/19/04 8:00 AM, "Maciek Sieczka" <werchowyna at pf.pl> wrote:

> Michael Barton <michael.barton at asu.edu> wrote:
>>> r.reclass GUI - there is no interface for inputting rules and when you
>>> try to
>>> run it as it is, it says:
>>> r.reclass input=zgs10kor output=zgs10kor_recl
>>> no rules specified
>> Use the "reclassify using rules" menu entry in the GUI (r.reclass.rules
>> script). I guess I thought this was pretty clear.
> Ah, ok. I simply typed r.reclass& and got the described problem, I didn't
> know that an alternative exist in the d.m menu so I didn't look for it. Now
> I have what I need but anyway some issues arise:
> 1. The GUI entry for r.reclass is described as "Reclassify categories using
> rules file". What file? Is r.reclass GUI usable anyway?
> 2. r.reclass.rules doesn't have a manual thus according to the manual the
> only module containing this funcionality is r.reclass. A manual is
> desirable to avoid confussion.
> 3. Scripts in /etc/dm/script/ and /tcltkgrass/script/ cannot be invoked from
> the command line. Shouldn't they be?
> Thanks
> Maciek Sieczka

C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>

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