[GRASS5] Re: latest in the hdf-gdal-grass hdf-eos saga

Wolfgang Lueck wolfluck at mweb.co.za
Sun Feb 1 13:05:51 EST 2004

Hi Jeff
Just to confirm. I have compiled GDAL 1.1.9 with Jpeg 2000 and HDF4.1r5
support and compiled GRASS 5.03rc5 on SuSE 8.2 Linux with 
./configure --with-postgres-includes='/usr/include/pgsql' --without-odbc
--with-motif --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config
and it works without errors.
Note however that there is a big difference between HDF4 and HDF5. GDAL
only supports HDF 4.
More info can be found on the remotesensing.org website.

Wolfgang Lueck

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