[GRASS5] Re: grass5 digest, Vol 1 #1033 - 6 msgs

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Feb 9 21:59:58 EST 2004

Glynn Clements wrote:

> > 2. Can GRASS 5.3 open monitors via the tcltk menu or is it still 
> > necessary to do this from the command line using d.mon?
> I didn't try that; I'll check later.

I've checked that; it still doesn't work.

The problem appears to be this in start_monitor, in gui.tcl:

    exec xterm -geometry 40x5 -e d.mon start=$monitor

The xterm terminates as soon as d.mon completes, which seems to end up
killing the monitor (this may be due to a difference in the way that
Cygwin handles terminals, or due to the use of the Win32 spawn()
function rather than Cygwin's fork+exec).

A possible fix is to change the above line not to use an xterm, i.e.

    exec d.mon start=$monitor &

You will still need to select the monitor separately.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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