[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:2717] How to get topology of area edges

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 26 01:03:52 EST 2004

> > >  I'm attempting to read GRASS's ascii vector output into a graphics
> > > display program that I'm writing...  I produce this output (with
> > > v.out.ascii) from a valid GRASS vector layer containing area
> > > polygons. What appears in the resulting data file is a line that
> > > denote an area and a number of points followed by these points...
> > > i.e.
> > >
> > > A 4
> > > easting northing
> > > ...
> > > easting northing
> > > ...
> >
> > note that should read
> >
> > A 4
> >  northing easting
> >  northing easting
> >  northing easting
> >  northing easting
> >
> > as long as the file format (and vectors in general) is changing for
> > 5.7, is it too confusing to switch to x,y? maybe with an added
> > header line"FORMAT: X,Y" or something? Now would be the time if we
> > are ever going to fix that...
> "FORMAT: X,Y" is good idea, but still could make much confusion, there
> are many scripts working with ascii format.

I agree about the creating confusion. BUT the existing way creates confusion 
too. Question is, which way causes LESS confusion and is easier to work on 
in the future?

Will those 5.0 scripts not break & need updating to work with the new 5.7 ascii 
format anyway?

> Maybe another directory?

Moving things into the vector/ directory just cleaned things up, do we 
really want to go back and add more clutter?


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