[GRASS5] cd $LOCATION revisited
Glynn Clements
glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Jan 16 20:51:58 EST 2004
Markus Neteler wrote:
> > I don't have any trick or modification - Jaro has explained it to me -
> > when you start GRASS with tcltk interface the variables get set up and
> > it works as written above.
> > If you start with -text then I get what you have described
> > as standard version. So far on the machines where I have tried it
> > it works like this without any tricks
> For me it's strange if, depending how GRASS was started, $LOCATION
> is set or not. Guess that this should be fixed.
That behaviour is due to the following in gis_set.tcl:
button .frame0.frameBUTTONS.ok \
-text [G_msg "Use Selection"] \
-relief raised \
-padx 10 \
-command {
if { $mapset != "" } {
puts stdout "GISDBASE='$database'; export GISDBASE;"
puts stdout "LOCATION_NAME='$location'; export LOCATION_NAME;"
puts stdout "MAPSET='$mapset'; export MAPSET;"
if {[string compare $location "##ERROR##"] != 0} {
putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
destroy .
button .frame0.frameBUTTONS.newLoc \
-text [G_msg "Create New Location"] \
-relief raised \
-padx 10 \
-command {
puts stdout "OLD_DB='$oldDb';"
puts stdout "OLD_LOC='$oldLoc';"
puts stdout "OLD_MAP='$oldMap';"
puts stdout "GISDBASE='$database'; export GISDBASE;"
puts stdout "LOCATION_NAME='##NONE##'; export LOCATION_NAME;"
puts stdout "MAPSET=''; export MAPSET;"
set location ""
set mapset ""
putGRASSRC $gisrc_name
destroy .
The "export" commands shouldn't be there.
Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>
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