[GRASS5] grass5.7 v.shape.register: Illegal vector map name <communes.shp>. Character <.> not allowed.

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Jan 28 09:53:55 EST 2004

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 02:14:48PM +0100, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Hello,
> v.shape.register causes an error when trying to register a shape file:
> GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > v.shape.register SHAPEFILES/communes
> Registering SHAPE file into GRASS...
> Illegal vector map name <communes.shp>. Character <.> not allowed.
> ERROR: Map name not SQL compliant.
> communes.shp is registered now (first layer only).
> The SHAPE files (.shp, shx and .dbf) were copied to:
> Trying to display the map, I get the same error:
> GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > d.vect communes.shp
> Illegal vector map name <communes.shp>. Character <.> not allowed.
> ERROR: Map name not SQL compliant.
> When importing the file to native grass5.7 format with v.format,
> everything works fine.

v.shape.register needs an update to remove the '.shp'
extension (pipe to sed).

Would you be able to update and send it to me?

The test for valid map names we introduced recently
but forgot to think of v.shape.register (maybe v.shape.unregister
must be checked as well).


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