[GRASS5] 5.7: v.in.ogr new feature

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Jan 28 11:09:48 EST 2004


now v.in.ogr is able to create locations from OGR sources 
(implemented with much help from Paul Kelly).


GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/test > ls roads.*
roads.dbf  roads.prj  roads.shp  roads.shx

GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~/test > v.in.ogr dsn=roads.shp out=roadstest location=ogrtest

The roads.shp will be imported into a new location 'ogrtest'.
Otherwise (without 'location=' parameter) it will be tested,
if the projection defined in 'roads.prj' matches the current
location definition.

Please try and complain,


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