[GRASS5] curses, foiled again!

Roger Miller roger at spinn.net
Wed Jul 28 23:03:13 EDT 2004

I've been trying to get Grass 5.3.0 to compile on a new SuSE 9.1 installation.  
Most things are working well, however...

V_call.o in the vask library uses __waddbytes, which is defined in the curses 
library, but not in the ncurses library.  The config routine specifies 
-lncurses for everything that uses libvask.a, but it doesn't specify 
-lcurses, which leaves __waddbytes undefined.

I can go through the (long and tedious) labor of recompiling each of the 
failed modules manually, but I would rather find and fix the problem.  Where 
and how would I look to fix this?

Roger Miller

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