[GRASS5] current status

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Jun 1 05:38:39 EDT 2004

On Tuesday 01 June 2004 10:49, Radim Blazek wrote:
> BTW 1: Am i right that there is no function which can read rules from
> color table in GRASS, something like
> G_get_color_rule( struct Colors *, int rule,
>                   CELL*, int*, int*, int*,
>                   CELL*, int*, int*, int*)
> ?
> BTW 2: Color table is stored as double linked list, doesn't that make
> G_get_raster_color too slow?

BTW 3: What is the difference between modular and fixed color table rules?
Is it only the format in which the rules are stored in file?


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