[GRASS5] Scripts wanted for GRASS Script Exchange

Craig Funk funkmeister at lynxseismicdata.com
Wed Jun 2 10:07:38 EDT 2004

Michael, This may be over-kill, but something that may be of interest 
for organizing collections of objects is how the Zope community 
provides their so-called Products. Products in Zope are similar in some 
ways to scripts in GRASS. Check out http://www.zope.org/Products/. Zope 
is a content management system, which is pretty easy to setup and 
provides granular security levels and Zope also supports a 
review/publish workflow. So authors could obtain an account on Zope, 
submit their scripts, and the scripts would not be published until a 
site manager approves them. Zope can run behind Apache.

Just a Thought...

On 1-Jun-04, at 2:52 PM, Michael Barton wrote:

> I am starting this on a trial basis this summer because I don't yet 
> know
> how much work this will be to maintain. A major issue is that Arizona
> State no longer permits standard ftp connections (only sftp), so I 
> can't
> create an anonymous ftp downloads directory for the scripts. This means
> that I have to list them all individually in a html page. This isn't a
> lot of work, but it does add to the maintenance--especially given that
> the lack of standard ftp connections means that I have to manually
> upload all web material via sftp instead of using my web authoring and
> site maintenance program. However, I *think* that now that I have the
> basic format set up, it shouldn't be too difficult to keep up with
> adding new scripts.

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