[GRASS5] Re: Draft 5.7.0 announcement

Stefan Paulick stefan.paulick at urbeli.com
Thu Jun 24 02:09:53 EDT 2004

What`s wrong with the first sentence? In case, you may add 'milestone', 
'top-of-the-edge-technology' or 'border-breaking' - but from my point of 
view, it is a good first sentence. 

When thinking about a press release version, it is helpful to add a few nice 
colored screenshots in high resolution. Press people love it.... 

anyway: congratulations, it's good work! 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kindest regards 

Stefan Paulick 

stefan.paulick at urbeli.com


Hamish schrieb: 

>> I have drafted a 5.7.0 release announcement:
>>   http://grass.itc.it/announces/announce_grass570.html 
>> Before linking it to index.html, please review it and
>> fix it directly in Web-CVS. Native speakers are welcome :-)
> Hi all, 
> I've made some changes; let loose the grammar police! 
> http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/web/announces/announce_grass570.html 
> Three outstanding questions: 
> a) what to say regarding stability? I put the "technology preview" back
> in, but commented it out as it isn't exactly right.. I thought "a first
> release", while true, made the meaning a bit too obscure/hidden. 
> b) should the grass logo be included? It always looks nice.
> related: Should there be a flat text version for a press release?
> 5.3.0 too.. 
> c) I'm still not very happy with the first sentence. 
> Hamish 
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