[GRASS5] a request to fix v.cutter bug

Thierry Laronde tlaronde at polynum.com
Thu Mar 11 06:22:12 EST 2004

On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 10:23:30AM -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
> In helping students with an overlay assignment for my spatial 
> technologies class, it became apparent that they were getting strange 
> results in trying to clip a set of state-wide soil and geology maps 
> with the boundary of a national forest here in Arizona.  A series of 
> soil and geology polygons simply were not being clipped--i.e., ignored 
> by v.cutter. 
> Last night I did a lot of exploratory work and finally realized that 
> this is due to a known bug in v.cutter. According to the manual... 

FWIW, since in the application I have made we needed v.cutter, and since
unfortunately with the first data I had the bugs were not triggered, I
have had, after leaving my boss and explaining that GRASS was
working, the moral obligation to make this work when new data
triggered the desaster.

After reading the sources (well the whole sources...) I finally
identified the problems and implemented a workaround (v.cutter will be
eventually fixed in KerGIS when I rewrite it in CWEB). If for one reason
or another you can't achieve the result with 5.7, I will provide you 
some explanations and a program (that can not be in GRASS since it's BSD

Thierry Laronde (Alceste) <tlaronde at polynum.org>
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