[GRASS5] Vegetation Indices

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Sun Mar 14 08:02:48 EST 2004

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 11:51:16AM +0530, Uttam Kumar wrote:
> Hi GRASS users,
>                         How can I compute Vegetation Indices (like Ratio, 
> NDVI, RVI, TVI, CTVI, TTVI etc.) in GRASS as we can do it in IDRISI. Thanks 
> in advance.

It's failry easy:


 r.mapcalc "ndvi= float( (tm4 - tm3) / (tm4 + tm3 ) )"

Similar to that you can calculate other Vegetation Indices.

Then it is useful to apply a color table with r.colors.


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