[GRASS5] doc translation

Jean-Denis Giguere jdenisgiguere at fastmail.fm
Sat May 1 15:57:01 EDT 2004


After consideration of comments on grass5, this is what I suggest for 

This could be grass_doc structure :
|-- oldsrc <- Doesn't change
`-- src
     |-- en <- Main directory for documentation (doesn't change)
     |   `-- tutorial <- tutorial (xml files)
     |-- fr <- Directory for french translation
     |   |-- messages  <- Directory for french PO files
     |   |   `-- tutorial
     |   `-- tutorial <- tutorial (xml files)
     |-- ru <- other language, same stucture than french.
     `-- template <- POT files directory
         `-- tutorial

Encoding in "en" and "template" directory will be ISO-8859-1. Each other 
"translation team will use its own encoding.

I will use utf-8 for French translation and I encourage other to choose 
the same.


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