[GRASS5] [bug #2384] (grass) [WISH:] extend v.[in|out].ogr

Markus Neteler via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Tue May 4 16:47:03 EDT 2004


I have implemented lco= and dsco= parameters into

#Example: GRASS -> PostGIS
v.out.ogr input=frane_poly type=area   dsn=PG:'host=localhost \
   user=postgres dbname=postgis'   layer=frane_poly \
   format=PostgreSQL lco="OVERWRITE=YES" 
Exporting 1210 areas...
GRASS Topology -> Simple Features conversion (may take some time)...
Processing area 1210... 100%
1460 features written


 Markus Neteler

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