[GRASS5] 5.7: man pages extended

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu May 6 02:16:05 EDT 2004

> I have modified the build script which generates
> the HTML manual pages in 5.7 to add a one-line
> description of each module. Like that you can
> quickly search for a certain functionality.
> So please keep on writing reasonable stuff into
>  module->description =

> Another useful extension in the C code might be
> the introduction of keywords. Per module maybe 
> 2-5 keywords. But yes, a lot of work.

Could it just search through the module->description strings? most of
the keywords will already be in there, & if not probably should be.
Adding keywords to every single module is a lot of work...

An exception might be where only one of Delaunay/Voronoi is mentioned in
the description, but I guess you could always rewrite the line it if
need be.

e.g. Debian's "apt-cache search foo" works on the included 2-3 sentence


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