[GRASS5] [bug #2402] (grass) r.colors - new rules=name option not yet working

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon May 10 01:04:20 EDT 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2402

Subject: r.colors - new rules=name option not yet working

I tried the new rules=[filename] option. It generates ERROR: Unable to open rules file [filename]. 
Then it stops all processing until a ctrl-C is pressed. I tried a simple rules file:

1 blue
2 green

(I tried it with and without 'end' and got the same result)

Also, it won't even get this far from the autogenerated GUI because it conflicts with the type=[option]  
argument. There needs to be a 'none' selection for the type option in the GUI header. 

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