[GRASS5] GRASS 5.7 updated tcltkgrass 4.01 and scripts

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Sun May 16 09:22:29 EDT 2004

On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 01:09:38AM -0700, Michael Barton wrote:
> I've updated tcltkgrass for GRASS 5.7. It is available on my web site 
> <http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton/grass.htm>.
> tcltkgrass 4.01 covers some of the recent additions to 5.7, including 
> r.fillnulls (I recently updated to 5.7), r.in.mat, r.out.mat, 
> v.surf.rst, v.surf.idw, i.fusion.brovey (a new script by Markus to do 
> Brovey transformations and pan sharpening for Landsat ETM, Quickbird, 
> and SPOT imagery), and r.mapcalc.tcl (the 5.3 r.mapcalc GUI I updated 
> to 5.7).


thanks for your efforts.
But the package is not in sync with the version in CVS.
It seems that you continued with an older version.
> All the updated scripts I've done for 5.7 are also in the package, 
> along with the tcltkgrass startup program (for $GISBASE/bin) and a 
> version of Init.shb (for $GISBASE/etc) that will start tcltkgrass 
> automatically on GRASS launch along with the display manager.
> Much of this has recently been uploaded to the CVS. However, it would 
> be a big help if you could test these updates.

Please do not upload to CVS. First a careful revision is needed.

I'll send a list of obervations to you later.


Markus Neteler     <neteler itc it>       http://mpa.itc.it
ITC-irst -  Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
MPBA - Predictive Models for Biol. & Environ. Data Analysis
Via Sommarive, 18        -       38050 Povo (Trento), Italy

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