[GRASS5] Re: grass5 digest, Vol 1 #1159 - 5 msgs

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Sun May 16 13:14:30 EDT 2004


Where is the file? Can I see it from the CVS web interface? If I have a 
chance, I'll look it over later today Arizona time for tcltkgrass and 
the scripts I did. I don't know whether or not that will be soon enough 
for you in the UK.

C. Michael Barton, Professor
School of Human Origins, Cultures, & Societies
PO Box 872402
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671
www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>
On May 16, 2004, at 3:01 AM, grass5-request at grass.itc.it wrote:

> Hello everybody
> In preparing for tagging the GRASS 5.3.0 release from the CVS HEAD 
> later this evening, I am trying to update the NEWS.html file. Would 
> appreciate somebody taking the time to add changes and improvements 
> that have been over looked so far.
> E.g. what new modules are there that are not compiled by default yet. 
> Should be mentioned otherwise they won't be used I feel: r.grow2 etc.
> Feel free to improve the list.
> Paul

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