[GRASS5] Problems with site data imported using v.in.ascii in G57

Funkmeister funkmeister at lynxseismicdata.com
Thu May 20 18:44:24 EDT 2004

Hello, I am trying to import site data through v.in.ascii in G57. I can
run the command:

cat bdem-join.asc | awk  '{print $1 "|" $2 "|" $3 "|" $4}' | v.in.ascii
out=bdem_sites xcol=2 ycol=3 catcol=1 columns='cat int, x real, y real,
elevation int'

and everything works nicely.

When I try to display the map with d.vect i get:

ERROR: Vector 'coor' format version 5.1 is not supported by this version
        GRASS. Update your GRASS.

I am running 5.7 so I am not sure what's wrong here.


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