[GRASS5] Help

Marcin Sołoguba marsol at o2.pl
Thu May 27 10:24:06 EDT 2004

I' got some problem with version 5.0.3. So, I imported to my LOCATION many points ( center of intersections in some grid). LOCATION was stored with polish Geodetic Reference System named "Układ 1992" (basics are on page 
http://uklady_wspolrzednych.webpark.pl/index13.html <- in polish 

and this citation from http://www.nawigatornia.pl/o_gps/uklady.html

Dla układu 1992 w pozycji Map Datum powinien być ustawiony układ WGS 84. Natomiast dla User Grid należy wpisać 

następujące wartości:
Long. Origin	 False E 	False N 	Scale 
E 019°0.0' 	500000 		-5300000 	0.9993 

My preferences in PROJ_info are:

name: Transverse Mercator
datum: grs80
dx: 0.000000
dy: 0.000000
dz: 0.000000
proj: tmerc
ellps: grs80
a: 6378137.0000000000
es: 0.0066943800
f: 298.2572235630
lat_0: 0.0000000000
lon_0: 19.0000000000
k_0: 0.9993000000
x_0: 500000.0000000000
y_0: -5300000.0000000000

Finally all data looked ok. I made with them many maps but when they was exported to Shapefile I saw major 

defect. After compare with other maps in "Układ 1992", I saw that my data are somewere in space but not there 

where should to be (moved in north and west; smaller than it should)
just like:
x(E)= 4752447.6
y(N)= 5783737.8

was moved to:

x(E)= -450104.96
y(N)= 1881182.95

I don't have an idea how to get back this situation (saving stored attribute number of every object).

I need every help to solve this situation.

Marcin Sołoguba

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