[GRASS5] Messages and GUI

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Nov 18 12:23:10 EST 2004

Hamish wrote:

> > > I was talking about when you hit the d.m "(re)draw" button on the left to
> > > draw whatever commands you have listed. there isn't necessarily a
> > > output window. Not the G_parser() gui windows, they work ok.
> > > Also it would run 0-100% many times for each map on the list..
> > 
> > So where does the process' output go in this case?
> in the main terminal window, even if I start with 'grass57 -gui'

In which case, GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT shouldn't be set to 'gui' when
performing redraw.

The setting should probably go into run_cmd in gui.tcl, so that
anything which is having its output processed by prnout uses the GUI
format, while everything else uses the terminal format. E.g.

	if {[catch {open $cmd r} fh]} {
		error $fh
	} {
		fconfigure $fh -blocking 0
		fileevent $fh readable [list prnout $dlg $fh]

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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