[GRASS5] v.digit and libproj error

aruizro at unal.edu.co aruizro at unal.edu.co
Wed Oct 20 21:20:51 EDT 2004

Hello In grass53, I execute the commando v.digit and shows the following error:

v.digit:error while loading shared libraries: libproj.so.O: cannot open shared  object file: No such file or directory

in a mail of mailing list says this:

Probably the link
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libproj.so libproj.so.0 

I already did it and I do not obtain any better result than I must do?

Alejandro Ruiz Romero.
Estudiante de Ingenieria  Agrícola 
Departamento de Ingenieria Civil y Agrícola
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá.

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