[GRASS5] GRASS users survey 2004 - last test

Gordon Keith gordon.keith at csiro.au
Thu Oct 28 19:36:46 EDT 2004

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 01:30, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Hello,
> Before officially launching the GRASS users survey 2004 we would like to
> ask you to test it and tell us whether it seems feasible and
> understandable to you. It should not take much more than 5 minutes.
> So please try the questionnaire at
> http://moritz.homelinux.org/grass_survey/ and tell us what you think. If
> the test is successful we would like to launch the survey as soon as
> possible.

9. Are you a user/contributor ?
I've contributed a couple of minor script fixes and enhancements, some 
enhancement requests (including working code) and some bug reports and user 
advice. However I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a developer.

Maybe an additional category of contributing user or user programmer or 
something would be good.

The bottom of the page seems to be missing. The HTML ends with:
<h2>Any other comments ?</h2>
<textarea name="comments" rows="5" cols="80"></textarea>


so the last input item isn't there and there is no submit button.

The page fails to validate
so there is a good chance it might not work properly in some browsers.


Gordon Keith
Programmer/Data Analyst
Marine Acoustics
CSIRO Marine Research

"Everything that can be invented has been invented." 
- Charles H. Duell, commissioner of U.S. Office of Patents in 1899

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