[GRASS5] [bug #3177] (grass) g.gisenv
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grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Apr 22 18:21:13 EDT 2005
this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3177
$ g.gisenv help
Outputs the user's current GRASS variable settings.
Sets them also too, no?
g.gisenv [get=VARIABLE] [set="VARIABLE=value"] [store=name]
get GRASS variable to get
set GRASS variable to set
Why do you say "set" twice?
store Where GRASS variable is stored
options: gisrc,mapset
default: gisrc
Also man g.gisenv doesn't mention GRASS_GUI. One wants to know all the
possible choices. Also mention GRASS_DB_ENCODING, etc.
The man page says
To disable debugging messages, DEBUG must be set back to 0:
g.gisenv set="DEBUG=0"
Well for me, I got lots of
D5/15: Get_location_with_pointer2(): cmd = 2
on the screen still, g.gisenv will not fix things until the user
restarts grass. So say so.
Maybe if the poor choice to race the CPU at 100% when waiting for
mouse input for all grass programs had not been made, the D5/15
message flood wouldn't be so devastating.
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Subject: g.gisenv
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