[GRASS5] v.surf.rst vs. topo map data
Maciek Sieczka
werchowyna at epf.pl
Mon Aug 15 12:53:38 EDT 2005
From: "Dylan Beaudette" <dylan at iici.no-ip.org>
> For us non programmers, lets put together a list of things that we can
> accomplish to facilitate the developers. Possible tasks might include:
> 1. writing of good documentation with figures and references
> 2. testing for bugs with known datasets
Yes, I'm always happy to point out what others programmed wrong. I guess
that's how I cope with my complex of a non-programmer :).
> 3. literature search and review of methods -> passing on the information
> to
> the developers.
Points 1 and 3 are good ideas. Nice if we had a place to store all the
information. A section in GRASS wiki? How do we do it (I've never used WIKI
My first idea is to collect all the links to info on DEM interpolation
programs that support other data than contour lines and points only.
> any others ideas?
Yes. Let me know if ridicolous. If we get enough people interested, and
agree on what is missing in v.surf.rst and what is realistic to be added,
could we collect enough money to, at least partly, reward the programmer who
would implement these features for the community?
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