[GRASS5] [bug #3886] (grass) upload loop error in v.distance

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Dec 7 09:37:11 EST 2005

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=3886

Subject: upload loop error in v.distance

Platform: Mac OSX
grass obtained from: Other (CDROM etc)
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: 6.1cvs (Moretti)

When running:

v.distance -a kenpoints to=kenbnd table=bdist column=distance upload=dist

the output dbf reads as follows:

from_cat   distance
5              0
5              342
5              284
2              156
2              0
2              301
8              12
8              19
8              0
4              956
...and so on

Notice how a zero value is written in the index position of the given object - i.e. first for the first 
point listed, second for the second, etc. This causes problems when doing various statistical 
manipulations with the data. A fix would be a big help!

-------------------------------------------- Managed by Request Tracker

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