[GRASS5] r.in.gdal bug?

Stephan Holl holl at gdf-hannover.de
Thu Dec 8 03:16:48 EST 2005

Hello Sören, 

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005 01:49:17 +0100 Sören Gebbert <soerengebbert at gmx.de>

> Dear developers,
> im writing a small shell script to download and import Landsat TM
> Layer and other data availible from NASA WMS service into GRASS. Im
> downloading the data with wget and try to import it with r.in.gdal.
> The downloaded dataformat is geotiff.
> But sometime after downloading the data, r.in.gdal produce this error:
> ERROR 1:
> TIFFReadDirectory:/home/soeren/grassdaten/Harz/data/.tmp/AMD64bIT/18773.0/Image_global_mosaic_base_visual_2164_3258:
> Can not read TIFF directory count

Can you try updating to the recent gdal-version (1.3.1) and see if the
error persists with the same geotiff which throws an error right now?



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