[GRASS5] script posting question (and sorry for earlier offtopic posting)

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Thu Dec 29 14:58:48 EST 2005

On czw, 2005-12-29 at 20:06 +0100, RK wrote:
> --> 
> Hello!
> I'm planning to make some new script and also some enhancements to the
> r.in.aster script,
> as I have an aster dataset which seems to be slightly different from
> what the current
> script could handle /this is also HDF4 but dataset names inside the
> file are built up different and maybe projection information is coded
> different/ (maybe mine dataset is earlier?)

See the previous version of r.in.aster script in the CVS. There was an
update "to work with gdal 1.3.1 and hdf 4.2" - maybe it's related, (only
a guess). If you are not comfortable with CVS command line use the www
interface http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/. Browse the download
section of Grass site for details about Grass CVS repository.
> I'm NOT a C developer, I rather do application level programming, even
> this is my job, however
> I'm not familiar at all with CVS and others - is it OK if I post some
> tips/ideas here?

I guess so. This is the devel list.

> I'm also planning to make an ARC/INFO workspace importer, to more all
> less convert all (older) ARC/INFO
> coverages from a workspace by making it as automatical as possible. It
> could also be interesting.
> Is there a collecting space on the WEB where these utilities/scripts
> could be posted,

Grass wiki site.

>  or all well documented
> and good scripts are included in the distribution?

Some of the users contributions are included as far as I can see.


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