[GRASS5] nviz2.2_script-bug: resizable .top2 false false

Marco Lechner marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Feb 7 03:51:28 EST 2005

hallo list,

in the nviz tool in grass6 beta1 (i guess also i beta2 but didnt have a look
yet) there is still a bug/feature? in the nviz2.2_script in line ca. 160:

set Nv_(First) 1
    wm geometry . $width\x$height\+10+10
    wm minsize . 300 200
    pack [frame $BASE] -side top -fill both -expand y
    toplevel .top2
    wm resizable .top2 false false
    wm title .top2 "Controls"
    set Nv_(height) 720

a few installations wingrass, grass6beta1 on suse8.2 ignore the minsize and
therefor e the windowsize of the "Controls" are so little that nothing can
be done. Why not changing the script to wmresizable .top2 true true (as
already written in the mailing list a few times)? Then the size of the
window can be changed if necessary.


Marco Lechner

Institut für Physische Geographie
Uni Freiburg
Werderring 4
79085 Freiburg
Fon 0761 / 203-3548
Mail marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de

Höfnerstr. 6
79199 Kirchzarten
Fon 07661 / 907783
Mail marco at marcolechner.de

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