[GRASS5] vector import, howto - continued
"Peter Löwe"
peter.loewe at gmx.de
Mon Feb 7 05:30:36 EST 2005
Hello List, Hello Michael:
>Given the little bit of discussion, I'm beginning to suspect that it is a
>quoting issue that may be primarily a problem with the TclTk GUI or may
>also affect the command more broadly.
>Here are a couple suggestions.
>1) If you have not done this already, try it from the command line rather
>than just from the GUI.
The problem occurs when the command is issued from the command line.
>2) Try with different delimiters than |. Maybe try a comma ",".
>Let us know what happens.
Same effect, unfortunately.
I do not believe in a quoting-related problem as v.in.ascii is apparently
able to parse/analyse the data correctly:
Error in db-execute-immediate -> Error cannot insert value -> insert into
_the_table_ values ( *correctly parsed stuff* )
My guess would be that the problem is related to the creation of the table
However, an inncocent "v.info" about the supposedly created vector ends in
Cannot open old vector _my_vector_ on level 2
Comments, please.
Dr. Peter Löwe
<loewe at geomancers.net>
<peter.loewe at gmx.de>
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