[GRASS5] compiling grass6.0.0beta2 on cygwin

marco.lechner marco.lechner at geographie.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Feb 9 05:13:39 EST 2005

Hi list,


for the GRASS-User-Panel in Freiburg in 10 days I compiled a fresh Version
from grass-6.0.0beta2 on my cygwin-machine and found this:


./configure with all the available works perfectly but during the make the
compiler says that it couldn't find libgrass_*.6.0.cvs.dll - well of course
I'm compiling the beta2 (as written in include/VERSION and all the produced
grass-libs are named libgrass_*.6.0.0beta2.dll.

If I edit the VERSION file to 6.0.cvs the whole compilation works perfectly
(libgrass_*cvs.dlls are produced an found in the later compilation process)
and I can install it with make install without any problems.


Well - not a serious problem but how could this be?


Why does the compiler think I'm compiling 0beta2 while creating the libs and
later on it thinks why not searching for the cvs-Versions of the grass-libs?

First I thought because of the existing VERSION~-file in include (it says
cvs!) but deleating it, make distclean and all again from the beginning
gives the same results. Where does the compiler get the "cvs"?

Oh I forgot: the compiler asks for the wrong libs during compiling different
modules (d.* g.* v.* r.*, . no difference)


Any idea?


Because I do not know if this is a cygwin or a 0beta2 problem I'm posting to
both mailinglists



Marco Lechner

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